Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Getting Ready to Travel

So it's the Wednesday night before our big trip on Sunday to visit my cousins in Budapest and do a little family research. My daughter's wedding was earlier today - yes - Wednesday (20/10/1020). She liked the number so she picked today.

Anyway, I thought I'd start this blog in order to document my trip as best I can. When I first visited Budapest back in May, 2001, before I knew that any family members were living in Budapest, almost every night of the 7 nights I was there, I sat down and wrote out the day's events in an email to interested parties back home. Looking back, they were quite interesting, humerus, and reasonably detailed. I hope to do the same this time, but use this blog posting instead of email. Looking forward to sharing the info and to see what comments I receive - if any.

Lot's of things to think about to take on the trip besides the usual suspects; which camera to shlep, which family material to bring, books, laptop, iPod, power supplies, cables, etc? It's crazy.

Some of my goals, besides meeting with everyone, is to share a few recipes, see the sites in and around Budapest, travel to Gyongyos, Eger and Miskolc for some family research, and hopefully, have some time to visit Vienna for a day. That would be icing on the cake. I had considered a side trip to Romania to visit the old family villa in Maramarosszighet, but that doesn't look realistic this time.

So the trip begins Sunday with an arrival on Monday. Looking forward to meeting everyone and enjoying the trip - and blogging some.


  1. Have a good time! A lovely country to visit (not to live there!)
    Do not forget when visiting Gyongyos to go by bus to Matrahaza-Kekes Tetö,a must! We were there on our honeymoon in 1948, then again at our 50th wedding anniversary. My mother is from Visonta, a village 8 km. away!
    Eger: we were in the Ghetto Bagolyuk in 1944! What memories!
    Good luck and best wishes
    Agi-Stephen Casey

  2. Thank you Stephen. I'll suggest this visit to my cousins who will be driving.

  3. Remember to tell your family, before leaving Budapest, to pack some scissors, gloves and rugs. Take also a water bottle (you can refill it by the entrance of the Gyongyos cemetery) to clean the mud that might be on top of a fallen tombstone. This is how I found my great-grandfather's stone.
    I have a few photos of my grandmother and my aunt walking in Matrafured and playing cards in the hotel. Stephen, the old Kekesteto tower is not there anymore.
    Have a great trip!

  4. Thanks Margarita. Appreciate the reminder.

  5. Jer,
    Remember to take a soft toothbrush to clean the shmutz from the tombstone names. It will make them easier to read.


  6. Bon Voyage and have a very Happy Birthday!

  7. Thank you Laurie! Having a great time. Heading out to Vienna in a few minutes. Chat with you later.
